客製化名字彈性包被- 兔兔款 (橙色)
客製化名字彈性包被- 兔兔款 (橙色)
初生至3歲合用, 絕對可以陪伴小s朋友生長~!
有經驗的媽媽就會知道, 與傳統Muslin 純棉紗布包被比較, 每個Baby斱應該擁有彈性的swaddle!
因為Muslin包巾係小baby瞓覺一郁嘅時候就會散開, 但有彈性的swaddle就唔同~
彈性布可以提供一定空間俾小baby郁動之餘, 仲可以提供大大安全感繼續瞓好覺! <3
而且彈性布印刷清晰, 可以高彩無毒印刷~
尺寸:100x100cm (初生至三歲)
滌綸 / 人造絲混紡 -
混紡布料可以保持嬰兒級合用嘅柔軟度外, 仲可以保持一定的彈性, 可以用作包緊小baby之用, 耐用性都大大提高!
輕量的布料有充足嘅透氣度, 一年四季都合用~!
尺寸:100x100cm (初生至三歲)
Personalised Knit Swaddle provides baby with high security feeling- and its lightweight characteristics makes it absolutely easy to carry around!
Experienced moms would always tell you the big differences of Muslin Swaddle as compared with knit swaddle. The extra elasticity of knit swaddle provides room for baby to move around after wrapping them like a little burrito! Muslin swaddle is very thin but once the baby moves around- it becomes loosens and the baby will wake up often!
Perfect gifts for newborn moms.
Pattern design with the flexibility to personalise the name. Colour & fonts are fixed.
Size: 100cm x 100cm
Polyester / Rayon blend - Perfect mix of premium fabrics to achieve ideal softness and the optimal amount of stretch and durability. Lightweight and breathable to make sure your baby is comfortable yet cozy.
Machine/ hand wash but do not tumble dry
How to order
Just leave us your desired name!